Home > The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls #6)(72)

The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls #6)(72)
Author: Kristen Painter

Roxy was curious, but content to wait, because at long last, she was caught up on all her obligations. Alex had even helped her unpack the boxes in her garage so she could park her hybrid in there. For the first time in what felt like forever, she could breathe. And relax. A huge improvement over the last several long months.

Life hadn’t been this happy in forever.

The doorbell rang faintly, followed by a louder voice as Alex called out, “Just a sec.”

Whoever it was, the interruption wasn’t going to ruin her night. Her mood was too good and Alex would deal with it. This was his house.

She closed her eyes, spread her arms out along the edge of the tub and awaited Alex’s return. She sensed movement near her, just the shift of air, really. She smiled. “Who was at the door?”

A hand covered her mouth as an arm snaked around her body and hauled her backward out of the tub. Her heels bumped along the deck and hit grass.

Her gasp and her scream were two parts of one muted noise. She flailed, kicking and striking back at whoever had grabbed her, but was unable to get her feet under her. A man, based on his strength and the woodsy smell of him. She caught a little of the man’s palm between her teeth and bit down.

He grunted, but didn’t let go. “Hold still,” he hissed, hovering above her kneeling form. “This is for the best.”

“Let her go, or I will kill you.”

Roxy went still at the sound of Alex’s voice. The man holding her did too.

He answered Alex. “And risk hurting her? I don’t think so. Unless you don’t love her as much as I do.”

She tried once more to get to her feet, but the water dripping off her had made the grass slippery. Then something sharp and metal pressed against her neck. Had to be a knife. She stayed on her knees, unwilling to make any movement that could dig the blade in deeper.

Alex was standing on the deck now. His eyes were glowing. And he looked very, very angry. “Last chance. Let her go.”

The man started yanking her backward again. “We’re leaving.”

“Roxy, run.” Alex leaped off the deck and flew across the yard. He caught the man around the neck, tearing him away from Roxy. She heard a dull thump and a strangled sound behind her, then a low growl rumbled over the noise of the bubbling water. She crawled away as fast as she could. A louder snarl followed, then a very human yelp. She got to the deck and turned.

Alex was crouched over a dark figure. His eyes still glowed gold in the soft light, but now his canines were long and deadly, and sharp claws jutted from his fingers. He was in his half-form, the same one she’d seen the night she’d found out the truth about this town.

The same night he’d also had a man pinned to the ground.

“Stay down,” he snarled. Then he looked at her. “Are you all right?”

She nodded, not quite up to words.

“You sure you’re not hurt?”

“I’m sure, Alex. I’m fine.” She stared at the man on the ground. A black hoodie obscured his face and in the darkness of the evening, it was hard to make out much more. Black jeans. Black sneakers. All nondescript.

“Good. Do you feel up to getting my handcuffs and my phone?”

“Yes.” She could do anything if it meant putting an end to this.

“They’re on the dresser in my bedroom.”

The stalker squirmed. “Get off me, man.”

Alex leaned down. “Move and I’ll break you in half.”

The man went still as she got to her feet and climbed the stairs to the deck. She picked up a towel to wrap around herself. She stared at the guy on the ground. “He was going to kidnap me.”

Alex nodded. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”

“You kept saying he’d show up sooner or later. You were right.” She shivered and pulled the towel around her, but she wasn’t cold. Just shaken by the enormity of what might have happened. This man, whoever he was—she tried again to make out his features in the shadows—had tried to abduct her. But he hadn’t. Because of Alex. “Is that who rang the doorbell?”

“Yes. I knew as soon as I opened it and there was no one there.”

“I can’t believe you took him down so fast.”

“I wasn’t going to give him an opportunity to hurt you.”

“Thank you.” She swallowed as a thousand scenarios of what could have happened spun through her head. “Be right back.” She ran into the house to get the things he’d asked for, still trembling with adrenaline.

When she returned, Alex’s half form had given way to his human one. He took the cuffs from her, then secured the guy and hauled him to a sitting position. Alex yanked the man’s hood back. “Do you recognize this guy?”

She racked her brain for some memory of seeing the man before. He was young, his hair black and stringy and hanging over his face. But nothing about him seemed familiar. “No.”

The guy muttered something that sounded like a curse. “Don’t say you don’t know me.”

Roxy stepped back. “I don’t.” She looked at Alex. “I have no clue who he is.”

“That’s okay.” Alex held his hand out. “Phone.”

She gave it to him as a sudden surge of weird giddiness welled up in her. It was finally over. She was safe. Thanks to Alex. Her shifter. Her protector.

He tapped a few buttons. “It’s Cruz. Roxy’s stalker just showed up. Yep. Yep. Thanks.” He handed the phone back to her. “Deputy Lafitte is on his way with a car.”

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